Idioits are having a hard time seperating the fictional mascot I created to sell t-shirts and my personal Identity.

headyginger isn't a real person.

Someone might be impersonating me, and pretending to be headyginger.

I've never once gone by or called my self, headyginger.

I have no friends and I don't interact with people outside of work. I have not spoken with anyone outside of work since like 2017.

Im being framed by a hacker.
EPD CASE NUMBER 23-0075391

I'm being framed and I'm not sure why or what is being said. I think someone has gone on facebook groups and spread shit that isn't true or exagerated or missing key details in an attempt to frame me for revenge. I'm offering up to $10,000 for information. You can contact me via email at I think its my former nextdoor neighbor, scott snyder, a computer coder. He was trying to swat me in Illinois and got evicted for it. He applied for mortgages with my phone number and has been doing all sorts of shit like that.


Lately I think he is trying to set me up by impersonating me online talking to prostitutes and drug dealers, sending them my location and description, while also pretending to be mr. robot or something telling viglantee MAGAts in eugene that Im doing shit to try and get them to kill me.


I literally only leave my house to go to work, get food or to walk my dog or go backpacking. I don't talik to anyone on earth. I do not speak with anyone in my family. I have not had friends in over five years. I do not know anyone at all in oregon. I have not had a girlfriend since 2015 and have NO DESIRE to interact with ANYONE AT ALL. I have been celibate for 8 years. I do not want to have sex with anyone let alone a fucking hooker.